Aayog Advance Syrup
AAYOG Advance Syrup
In the management of COVID-19, Kepler presents AAYOG Advance.
AAYOG Advacne is the powder of 21 essential oils processed with patended Quantum Technology.
Aayog Advance is Clinically tested against COVID-19.
Praticle Size of AAYOG Advance is around 8 angstrom (0.8 Nanometer)
which is 100 times smaller than the size of the virus. So, it can easily penetrate into the cell membrance and break the virus.
- COVID-19 is spreading rapidly, putting evveryone life is at stake
- There is no sure-shot medication available.
- Current medications have lot of serious side-effects
.... because world is looking for Clinically Tested, Result oriented & safe treatment for COVID-19.
Quantity : 200 ml
AAYOG Advance is potent viral load reducer
- Prevents penetration & replication of virus.
- Induces viral burst.
- Stimulates innate immunity.
Clinical trial of AAYOG Advance was conducted at SVP Hospital (Gujarat's largest COVID Hospital). Results were promising with 100% recovery without any side effects, no known drug to drug interactions are no toxicity.
For the protection from COVID-19 & to prevent the reccurence, Kepler brings AAYOG Protect - Fusion of essential oils.
AAYOG Advance : Take 10 ml, 3 - 4 times a day on an empty stomach (dilute with water if required) or as directed by the physician.
For Child : Take 5 ml, 2 - 3 times a day on an empty stomach.